Porsche Paint to Sample - Exlusive Manufaktur - Color Fan

Item 26 of 27
€ 180,00

Porsche Paint to Sample - Exlusive Manufaktur - Color Fan


This is the rare and exclusive Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur Paint to Sample colour card set. This set includes a large collection of 172 colors, ranging from the latest vibrant hues to timeless classics. With colors that span across all the decades, this set serves as a comprehensive color guide, allowing you to explore the full spectrum of Porsche's iconic hues. Don't miss out on this extraordinary opportunity to own a piece of exclusive Porsche dealer literature.

Model year: R (2023)

16 x 7 x 7,5 cm


Specification Description
Length 16 cm
Width 7 cm
Height 7,5 cm
Weight 0,65 Kg
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